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تجربة ناجحة

  • تابيبسيبسيب
  • تاب 2 | العنوان
  • تاب 3 | العنوان
تاب 1 | المحتوى
تاب 2 | المحتوى
تاب 3 | المحتوى

RISA says there is a need for better diagnostic guidelines for infant reflux and improved emotional and psychological support for parents, as a delay in diagnosis of infant reflux could often cause further health problems for young children, including feeding and speech issues. Parents midst of an infant reflux struggle, are urged not to give up. revatio tablets south africa In June , the Reflux Infants Support Association surveyed more than parents about their experience caring for an infant with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease GORD in the first twelve months of life.

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